Well so today was yet another day at plaything Miami... Basically today I was told by the "girl's" that work with me to take down the book section and put it up, but to make sure I clean it and its dust free and it looks nice and all... Yeah yeah all bullshit so I can be their bitch... Well w/e between the stupid shoe room re-organizing it and the stupid mess they make every fucking day I have to clean up and do this and that and dump this and that I was so sick of all this its killing me... I mean health wise I cant take it... I cant sleep, or rest the amount I need to so my stupid retarded body can repair its self and shit and then also its way too much physical work too... I mean ok fine take the cloths and shit hang them walk here and back bla bla bla, fine... When they put me to work like lift this and bend down pick that up, pick this up do that move this, so sorry but did the stupid bitches forget I have a medical condition... I mean I haven't told them exactly what it is but shit its too much... That army girl can do it if she is sooo damm all about it... I mean if you want something done then the bitch can do it her self... SHIT I just wanna tell her to go to hell and be nice to me and that her attitude will get nothing done correctly because if shes a bitch to me expect me to be the same to her... This is not the ARMY BITCH !!! Well so I let out some frustration on that... So w/e I told my boss that for real I cant do as many hrs as I was doing... Ok cool they are paying me in cash and stuff so I don't work 40 hrs on paper but at least try not to kill me... I mean 5 days a week 8 hrs, I didn't have time for school or to rest up some... It was up in the morning do what I needed to do and work, come home, eat, sleep and work all over... Bullshit I can't do that... My body is all out of wack and IM all screwed up because of it... I come first then my job... For get this shit, its killing me slowly... Besides all that the store is awesome and I love my staff member's besides the army girl... I hope she will warm up but who knows... Well IM going to bed and I have to get up early so write your comments and stuff and I will see ya next time to update you all on job and school...
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Shoot me IM tired...
Wow never in my life would I of thought I would be soo tired but so awake at the same time too... It seems all I do is sleep then get up and go to work... IM soo tired its not even funny... I feel like I could sleep 2 or 3 days and just never wake up and stay in bed... I am all sore and beat up from working and taking this and that and bla bla, Today I did my best to arrange the boxes of shoes that we have at the store and if Steph has something to say about it tomorrow she can do it her self... I am done with that shit because too much crap is in that back room to even think about making room or an order of things... The boxes are stacked as best as I can and that's that... All I know is I WANT to go out this Thursday because I am off and SAT I think I am also off... So you people let me know what's up... Going to bed.. X_X
Lilman x >_<
Lilman x >_<
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Intergalactic - Automatic - Playthings - Slims
So finally about time I got to dance up on some bitches and amongst my peeps! Last night was awesome! All I have to say is automatic slims was intergalactic crazy... Ok so I am listening to Beastie Boys but that's besides the point... It was crazy shit... That place is small but wow I didn't know that a big amount of people could be packed into a small place like that... I've been to automatic slims but never when it was that packed. They also added some kind of cold CO2 jet thing on the roof... Crazy shit what can I say... So the playboy models were there but w/e like I don't see a big amount of sexy girls at my work... I should of gotten this girls number last night I kinda insulted and thought she was older, but hey the way to get to know some chick at a club is insult her.. Oh yeah it works... Worked soo well I got her phone... LOL... Actually I found her phone on the floor and didn't even know it was her's... But I looked in the phone book and saw a few buddies numbers and I was like wow, I know this person... So w/e hey it works it works you know, just don't ask why and take it... Work has been awesome, but sometimes its tiring when bitches come to try on costumes and they try on every damm kind in the store, then they don't get any because its too sexy... What kind of fucking fool are you, I mean your walking into a store called playthings that sells toys and sex stuff... WTF do you think your going to find? For real are they that stupid?? So I finally got my rims... They are awesome and I have them but 2 of them need tiers and need to be balanced and stuff and that's like $300 to do that soo yeah I am going to have to wait a little wile before I do that... But they are so awesome and I know they will look good on the civic... Let me tell you peeps more about work... Basically what I do all day is stand in the back of the store when there are people trying on costumes and stuff and I open the dressing rooms and stuff and then I take the costumes back to the correct rack and hang them back... So the best part is, the girls come out and model for them selfs and ask me, " how do I look in this " Now I am honest, I tell them " oh looks awesome " or I tell them " no, no way don't look good on you ". So yeah I get to see girls all day long in almost nothing all sexy and stuff... I love it, half naked girls trying on costumes and looking hot... What more could I ask for, oh yeah I get payed for it too... Sometimes I do admit I get sick of it, but only when I know they waste my time by trying on costume after costume and they don't come out of the fitting room and they just tell me to put them all back, but that's not too often... Now lets see, my only goal is to maybe find some chick and get with her... Who, that I don't know but I am looking and I rather have a relationship then a fling, because that's just who I am... So I have work today at 3 until 11 and then IM not sure if IM going to do something after work but who knows... I also work all next week Monday -Thursday 4 to midnight so its going to be a long week... So to keep me some what sane call me and check up on me or send me something so I don't go nuts...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Mr. Brightside
Well I just got home a little wile ago; I didn't want to stay home so I hit the grove... Just walked around and thought to my self about a few things and eat shit... No one wanted to go out tonight, but w/e I called up an old friend and asked them if they wanted to walk around and eat shit like back in the day how we used to... So w/e stayed only for like an hr or 2 and then home and got dropped off... Now I am here thinking to myself about a few things... First is first, I have work 2marrow and all next week until Thursday so w/e... by next Friday I will have some cash so I can get the rims I want for my car and it will be awesome and I shall be pimping, don't worry I will post pics up... So besides that I need some stuff also done to my car, but I have some income now so it shall be done soon... All before November too! Awesome! So yeah, next weekend I hope I don't work but I want to go out real bad too... So yeah we will see how it will go, for now all I have to do is sing myself the song Mr. Brightside and everything shall be alright and good to go... So yeah 2 songs come to mind The Killers- Mr. Bright side and Evanescence - Bring Me To Life ... Good greef I hope I survive the week >_<
P.S. Playthings RULES!!
P.S. Playthings RULES!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Ok I have to say the best job I have had to date is this one... Ok let me rewind some first... A few weeks ago I was looking for a job because my funds are running low due to the stock market being sucky and other stuff... So w/e I've applied at like 10 different places, so I stopped by playthings; Playthings is a Adult store that's not like your usual adult store... It's cool because its like pleasure emporium and condom USA and Victoria secret all in one... Its like when you walk in its got sexy cloths and stuff like that with oils and other stuff and in the back its a XXX store too... They have your vibrator and "fun sticks" and all kind of DVD's blow up dolls and other stuff... So I was talking I think it was Tim, and I was like man to find a job sucks no one is taking me hive applied at 100 places and no one has called me back. So w/e we were talking about his bike and told me hey look fill this out so we have your information... I was like this is an application, he was like yeah, and, fill it out... I was so excited and shocked too so w/e... I filled it out and stuff and too weeks to this past Monday and I got the job... I love it over there... Its awesome and soo not the job I was ever think I could get... But I got it!!! The only bad part is there's a lot of walking but I don't care, I will get used to it.. My only problem is that IM going to have to switch to SAT lollipop or just quit... I love it and IM ganna keep it as long as I possibly can... I work Sunday to Thursday 4-midnight and let me tell you its perfect for me, well almost but w/e I can make sum changes to adapt but w/e screw it I love it and that's that... The best part I think is I learn a lot about I guess sex stuff and also I get discounts, OH YEAH... Also I get payed very well... Another plus is I get to see some Fine looking Girls and let me tell you some Hot girls come in, I am very professional about what ever they need but still I enjoy a sexy face... Now let me tell you its all good working there but still I rather have a relationship then have 1 billion sexy faces and all that stuff... Well its like 3pm and I am going to get ready to leave because I have work at 4... SO peace bitches!!!
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