Well its almost the end of November but i was going to do this at an earlyr date but what the hell... its been a crazy year so far so we will see what happends of what is left...
November rain lyrics
When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain
We've been through this auch a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain
But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away
If we could take the time
to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain
Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone
I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you
Sometimes I need some time...on my
Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone
And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain
Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Transformers My Poor Car...
Well right now i have no car at the moment... My car who is about the only dependable thing in my life that is better than others who won't come close is broken... I am so sad about my car not working and yes i admit i did have a tiear or two for it... See if you look from my point of view, it takes me to where i need to be, 99% of the time if i take care of it, i will not be dissapointed and let down, people come and go and you have no control. As for my car, i hold the key to its action and it responds to my desire... Some people i know think im stupid for this but you know what i think of that... FUCK YOU~!! Will you take me where i need to be? Will you give me a thrill i can control and ask for any time... No, so then don't comment about it being just a car... You make what you drive and you hand is the one who makes what may come of it... Learn to have some control in your life and when all is out of order and then tell me what makes you happy... For me this is my car, My civic, my baby girl... Its my guardian like bumble bee was in the movie transformers to that kid, my car is my Transformer... Well on the bright side i'm getting her fixed and i hope it's going to be all better and my civic will be alright and maybe better than befor... I know it's in good hands because if i trust this person with my car they must be good... This video is for my car... May it be back in my life to make me happy once more...
Transformers Clips Set to Theme Song "What I've Done"
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Transformers Clips Set to Theme Song "What I've Done"
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Sunday, October 28, 2007
Dream please End...
Well its been a hell of a long time since i have writen a blog or been on here... It's not that i didn't want to write a blog or anything its just that i have been real sick this past year... Ok where to start... In may i wrote about some girl who i met and i fell for i guess you could say... Me stupid romantic as always falls for the girls who stick by me or i have connection with, w/e like all things that are good, you can't always get what you want, but you get what you need as a song goes... At least this person is a grate friend and we still hang out and chit-chat so im cool and i'm just fine with that, better to gain then have a loss... So besides that, i have been in and out of the hospital... You all know that i get sick and stuff but i must say this year has been a hard and harsh one... In june untill i dont know when i did a total of 96 days of in the hospital... It was horrible but w/e i made my best had some computer out reach but not to what i wanted... Thats also why i haven't writen in soo long... But also i was in two or more times... i know i got out in Aug but also i know i was right back in like 3 weeks or something then one week later and this last time i was out for 3 days and i got a nasty infection and other stuff... Like i sed, its been like a long dream that will not end... I fell now better but still crappy... I have lost some and not kinda skinny but i need to gain it back... I hope i can get back into the flow of things like i was in the beginning of this year but geez its been crazy... Also a bad part about the hospital you drive you're self crazy because you just have so much time to think about stuff and your hands are tied and you can't do anything about you're thoughts and stuff like that... Now i don't know where to start to gather my like friends i haven't talked to or seen in so long... People vanish and fade if you don't keep up your game as i have learned... Now i need to step it up and fix it all, slowly because i don't want to end up sick because of my stress so we will see what happends... Comment or you can call me but please don't ask too much because i don't want to tell and i just want to wake up and let the dream end and my day to start...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Thoughts that run...
I know i haven't updated my blog in a long time but a lot has been going on i haven't been able to write about due to lack of being on my computer... So i have a issue right now in my life... A real big issue... I don't know how to explain it but i will do my best... I like this girl, no actually i love this girl... Yes love i know i don't use that phrase often but i do with her... She is almost perfect only because no one in the world is perfect even though we think we are... She excepts me for me, I have a lot of problems medically and personally and other things that i just don't think any other girl would ever have... But she excepts them for what they are and they don't even bother her at all... The only one problem i know she has is the fact i am shorter than her but its not my fault because of obvious reasons... Ive know her now for a wile and its not a long wile but it is some time... even if its been short or a long time that i have known her i do love her and i cant say that enough... she's met my family and they like her, she also likes them and she gets along with them too which is a big part of my decision if i love her or not... only one problem in this mess... She sort of has a guy but not at the same time... he treats her real bad in my opinion, maybe i am being bias about it but from what i have seen i think so... either way i don't think it will last with him but w/e its not my issue... All i want is for her to be happy if its with me or him... If she is torn between the two of us i rather her go with him because that would make her happy even if it will end eventually as i think it might... Ive just been spending a lot of time with her and i don't know how i could of won her over like i have but i didn't want to be a problem for her... I just wish some times nothing would of happened the way it did but i cant do anything about it now... I gave her my opinion today about what she should do and w/e if she chooses him over me and she is happy then i don't mind it... I guess i can stay put and wait, either way there is no one for me at the moment besides her and i also would honestly wait some time for her... She means a lot to me and i wish i could decide for her and just make him go away but i cant... I guess all i can do is pray, hope, think and do nothing but observe of what is going on and what will happen... A lot more is on my mind but i just cant write about it at the moment and eventually all will be known...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Some Weekend...
Well so i guess i was right about this weekend going to be busy... I was sure not kidding... So Sat i had to become Mr. PC fix it, so... Inez came over to my house and Erika also had a computer that was broken, so i thought i might as well kill 2 birds with one stone... So after i looked at Erika's computer i came to the idea, Its dead... The mother board or CPU are totally dead because i even took my personal power supply and hooked it up and nothing, no function by that board at all... so yeah then later Inez came over because she needed to get a PC for a good price... So i was like i should take them to my Asian computer street in the north west... So after Inez got here we bounced all 3 of us to "PC street"... So i thought of kings computer where my home girl Angela would hook it up for her fav costumer... So she did and i got Inez a bad machine... Soo going to hook her up with lots of software when she gets it this week i hope... So after that we walked around just in case some one else got a cheaper machine... Nope just a few laptops Erika liked because they are shinny... Good greef... so w/e after that was over i got home around 7 or so then Inez invited me to eat at her house and look at her old PC for the hell of it see what i could get off of it to transfer over to her new one... So i was like sure its all part of the job so i might as well do it now to have an idea of what i needed to do... So yeah, i found out her hubby worked a the drift event called nopi and i almost cried because i sooo wanted to go but i didn't and yeah... So after we chilled out and Ozzy and i talked about how I'm going to hook up my car and he could do any cutting or welding i came home around midnight or 1 am... i did remember to get my stuff ready for the mini pool party at Blondie's house... so Sunday early as hell i got up to help out Luis with his computer and see what the hell was wrong with it... Well he came over around 10 or 11 and i looked at it... After taking both hard drives out and connecting them to my external, yeah dead... Both of them too... Sucked because its rare that it happens but I've seen it happen before... So we picked up a barracuda at tiger which was on sale and put it in... So after that i rushed out of here to make it to Joe's and go to Blondie's pool... It was sooo much fun, i wish K.R.S. could of made it but she had to study and i know how that is, done that before unfortunately... So we chilled out at the pool all day long until the sun was gone, got cold too and then jumped to Joe's... After playing guitar hero for a wile and my fingers going numb... I got the bright idea to go to titanic... Blondie was a virgin to titanic so of course i made her sing... I did my thing too and Joe also put in a tune... So that was that, got out late had a blast this past weekend... Also had a Blast on Monday but that's for me to know and you guy's to never figure out... Aahh yea! Who knows how my week will go... So now its time for me to ride... Peace!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Two days of fun, one in the sun...
So its been a crazy pre-weekend start off i guess you would say... Yesterday was Thursday and radio lollipop i always do so... Little M told me to take a spare change of cloths because we might go out after... Well from Wed's event everyone was so tired and out of it, no one felt like going out.. So w/e i called up my boy Joe to see what he was up to... Well he was in this place loud as hell and i was like were are you so i can meet you and chill... So he was at Kendall ale house with 2 girls... Lets call them K.r.s. and Blondie... So I've heard a lot about K.r.s. and Blondie a lot but i have never met them, yeah Ive seen pictures and they are very good looking girls mind you but one is taken and one is not... So w/e fine by me, i was not in "hunting mode" so i was chilled out... So we stayed at the ale house till it closed and a lot of drinks were ordered and yeah some shots too and i had a beer after all that to chill me out... So one was quiet and one was really super "mingle-i-tive" i guess you could say... So w/e you know me, always hyper always talking and stuff so i told them, "peep this" how about you girls on Sunday go over to Joe's house and we chillax in the pool... So they were like OK cool... oh yeah you know how i do... so anyways, we leave the ale house around 2:30 or so and i get home make my bed because i left it a mess and then i get a call as i am falling asleep from Joe... "Yo Blondie wants to hang out tomorrow" i was like OK cool, and then he tells me we go to her pool and stuff... OK cool with me, then he tells me "so get up at 9am and i am getting up at 9:30" i was like OK, a little early but w/e fine... So after about 5 hrs of sleep or less i get up and shower get my "aloha" outfit together... ( Red flowered shirt with my black flowered swim trunks all suffered out if you can imagine) So I'm out of my house by 10:30 because she "told" Joe, the pool by 11am... OK fine, i get gas and on my way he's like "umm change of plans", OK whats the deal??? Well we are going to do it at my house so yeah we will pick her up a little later... So i was like "OK..." Then i got to his house and waited till 12 and then we picked her up and we chilled all day by the pool... It was a nice day i can say... Sun was out, slight rain fall wile in the pool but w/e i was wet anyways... So i just got home right about 3o Min's ago and i need to wake up for a lollipop event at 8 a.m. and then some... The weekend just started and its going to be a busy one...
Thursday, May 17, 2007
ouch my ear's ring... Super late night...
Well yesterday was a rather good day... I did alot of stuff but w/e it wasn't anything to be all hyped about... First off i forgot about the improv event was yesterday when i woke up in the morning... but i kept remembering something was going on with lollipop that day but i was like "duh i wonder whats going on..." so i called MCH and asked and they told me the improv and i was like oh yeah! So i iorned my shirt and paints and took a shower and some how pulled myself together faster than I've ever done... If you know me well, you know I'm worse than a bitch that takes like 4 hr's to get ready... but w/e i did it some how all in a matter of an hour's time... so then down the 826 going 80 or so until i got to miller and got off and to the improv... Well some stupid cop's for some reason were i guess board stupid and decided to pull random people over... Guess just once who a random person would be... Yours truly... W/e fuck them, they kept thinking my car was hooked up or they were just trying me or something so w/e, finally after i got them off my ass time to look for parking in the grove... Well you know me and parking, if i can use my handicap sticker than i rather that then paying... Soo i found one and parked real close to the place... The show was good, i was a little worried about seating but some one saved me a seat with her and i was happy about that... Kinda surprised about it too but i was happy, thats all i have to say... So w/e after the show some people wanted to party after so i was like "I'm game"... So we hit up sandbar which was empty but good and then after we where at martini bar... Martini bar was alright but a few things got to me... First off it was $10 to get in... I Hate, Hate, to pay to enter in a place unless i know its good... Martini bar is famous for going up and down... Last night was alright but nothing big deal... The second and worst part was Mr. F ditched us for some piece of ass who was not all that at all... Ok take one for the team fine, but their was no team or nothing, her supposed "Hot girls" that she was with where GONE!! They left before we got there... So w/e... Then third of all, i know the music in a club should be loud, yeah ok fine... But it was way way too loud! My ear's still hurt today.... So w/e It was a good night after all... Oh yeah so after i got home i had a little adventure... It was rather fun, i got home as the sun was coming up but w/e it was all worth it last night... Tonight's plans are: Lollipop then after who knows... I think we might go out but I'm not sure were too... w/e we will see what happens...
Sunday, May 13, 2007
CNE !! GRAD !! Associate of Science Degree
WOOT! I made it... Finally after all this time that i should of been well then done with school i finally finished it! I graduated and i cant wait to walk... I got my Associate of Science Degree in Computer Network Engineer... I am so happy this is over, now i am going to take some time off to take care of some stuff i have been putting off since I've been going to school and being sick and doctors and stuff... Now its R & R time for me... A Grad, wow i feel so free but i am also unsure of what comes next... Well forget that for now, just have to relax and party it up since I've busted my ass this last term... But that will be next week... its mothers day and i must get up early...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Fred's Club Fest 2007... Maddness...
So yeah this weekend was crazy... i haven't partied like that in the longest time, club after club after club... Well this crazy weekend started off by Friday my friend caro called me to hang out, i haven't seen her in about a year to two years because she moved to Texas and she was in Miami to finish her school and w/e... so she picked me up around 5 p.m. and we went to B R'US to check out some stuff she wanted to buy and ect... then we met up with some friends of her's and decided to go to Monty's around 6 almost 7... Chilled and had some drinks until about 11 or so, well i remembered that my homie Fred had a party weekend planned and it kicked off Friday night until Sunday... Well so Friday was Finnegans on the River, awsome place, i loved it and w/e a little bit of a ghettoness to the place but w/e it was so worth draging my ass out of the house at 11pm to make it by 12 midnight... We only stayed until about 3 am but the biggest surprise was finding this girl i know from Mch that works with us at lollipop, i will call her "kate", and the little one was also with us too and yeah it was super awsome night... F.Y.I. Kate, Fred and Little-M Where at all the events and myself... Then on Sat was Privé... So Fred had hooked it up with the VIP and Bottle and all the trimmings you could want... So i was enjoying myself and out of no were i see this girl dancing and all crazy with the little one,(lets call the little one, little M)... So little-M is dancing and talking to this girl and i was sitting on the couch wondering who this girl is... Well little did i know when i went up to little-M she tells me oh this is my niece (lets call her Crazy-A) So i was like hello Crazy-a how are you my name is Alexander but you can call me alex... I actually was like not present at that moment basically i could of sed "call me what ever you want" but thank god my brain works well when my thoughts are else where lets say... So shes like oh nice to meet you... Well 2sec pass by and little-M i guess saw the expression on my face and told me " Hey! Thats my niece, hands off and don't even think like that... I swear it was like a mac-train being derailed but w/e, i think i got back on the tracks like 10 seconds after she told me that... The worst part is that Crazy-A was like Dancing all up on me and stuff and i was like telling little-M "Look my hands are right here!" as i had my hands up in the air as i was being pointed at by a gun... It was sooo funny but wow what a night... We all left the club by like 5am and everyone was beat... When we were all outside talking over how the night was, little-M asked me if i could take Crazy-A home... I was like " WHAT?? >_< " So then i was like ok, thinking "yeah, sure, NO PROBLEM!!!!" to myself... So on the drive home from southbeach, since i am such a chatter box and i also like to ask people about them selfs and see how they are... I asked her about herself and what shes doing and school, the usually "me" Q and A's... Some how during all this i asked her for her number, thinking to my self, crap little-M is going to kill me if she finds out i am doing this... w/e it was late, i mean give me a brake, do you think i was thinking clearly at 6 am in the morning... YEP!... So i got her digits and went home slept and woke up at 12 noon... Sunday was Nikkei beach... Well another day of VIP is all i can say... Around 2pm I texted Crazy-A and asked her if she wanted to go to Nikkei beach? Now thinking to my self, well shes going to say no or she is too busy or school finals coming up she might just be hitting the books, w/e... Well i get a text back that says "Aw that would be great! Would u have space for others by any chance?" So i was in shock, thought to my self wow shes going to go, WOOT! Then my next thought was "Shit! Little-M will be their and she is going to kill me if she finds out i am taking her!" Well i told my self screw it, i can always run or get her drunk by buying my way out of it with drinks... So i took a lightning flash shower and jumped in my swimming trunks and aloha-T and peeled out of my drive way to make it to her place... So when i got there picked her up and speeded down the high way to Nikkei beach... Got their kind of late so i was worried we would not get in... So when i go to the door the first guy tells me ID's and we had to pay... So i was like fuck that, so i thought of another way in... The side i remembered was guarded by just regular fools and they didn't charge... So i told them follow me... Bingo on the side the dude looked at my ID and was like no way, so i used my smart ass attitude and got us all in... So the rest of the night was awsome, little-m was kinda tipsy so it was all cool that i picked up Crazy-A, so i was straight for the rest of the night... Well thats my crazy weekend... Monday i did pay for it but w/e it all was well worth it because its only once a year... Yoda was one happy Jedi and to my Padawan, Thanks for the awsome time buddy, Summer is just around the corner!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
CAR's On My Mind....
I have car's on the brain... >_<
Need to get out...
Initial D
remember me..
I feel you so close to me
I hope you still think of me
even I know you found another love
you took away my chance to
be with you forever
to be your love and stay together
you gave away the precious love
that we had to somebody else
oh baby I wanna tell you
remember me
remember everything we used to be
can you feel my heart pounding, pounding
will be forever, will you
remember you, remember me
I remember everything we used to be
'cause my blood is still pumping, pumping
will be forever, will you remember me
I need you, but it's o.k.
I know that, I'll find my way
I will begin to find another love
you took away my chance to
be with you forever
to be your love and stay together
you gave away the precious love
that we had to somebody else
oh baby I wanna tell you
remember me
remember everything we used to be
can you feel my heart pounding, pounding
will be forever, will you
remember you, remember me
I remember everything we used to be
'cause my blood is still pumping, pumping
will be forever, will you remember me
I feel you
even I know
be with you forever
to be your love and stay together
you gave away the precious love
that we had to somebody else
oh baby I wanna tell you
remember me
can you feel my heart pounding, pounding
remember you, remember me
'cause my blood is still pumping, pumping
will be forever, will you remember me

Need to get out...
Initial D
remember me..
I feel you so close to me
I hope you still think of me
even I know you found another love
you took away my chance to
be with you forever
to be your love and stay together
you gave away the precious love
that we had to somebody else
oh baby I wanna tell you
remember me
remember everything we used to be
can you feel my heart pounding, pounding
will be forever, will you
remember you, remember me
I remember everything we used to be
'cause my blood is still pumping, pumping
will be forever, will you remember me
I need you, but it's o.k.
I know that, I'll find my way
I will begin to find another love
you took away my chance to
be with you forever
to be your love and stay together
you gave away the precious love
that we had to somebody else
oh baby I wanna tell you
remember me
remember everything we used to be
can you feel my heart pounding, pounding
will be forever, will you
remember you, remember me
I remember everything we used to be
'cause my blood is still pumping, pumping
will be forever, will you remember me
I feel you
even I know
be with you forever
to be your love and stay together
you gave away the precious love
that we had to somebody else
oh baby I wanna tell you
remember me
can you feel my heart pounding, pounding
remember you, remember me
'cause my blood is still pumping, pumping
will be forever, will you remember me
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Out of Baptist's long stay... Good greef..
February 22 2007 was the damm day i had to go into baptist hospital.. First off.. SHIT FUCK DAMMIT AND ALL THAT BAD STUFF... I missed the fair... I Missed over a month of radio lollipop and i missed so much other crap going on, the outside world forgot about me and stuck me in jail... Jeez i feel like screaming and yelling and all that its like i was inside a world and the outside world forgot about me, i dont even know what most of my friends are up to this week, all i know is the fair is over 2marrow i think and spring brake is here too... Dammit i need to get in contact with my people and get crazy, go mass partying and stuff and hey maybe get some... ok its the drugs talking or the withdraw effects i should say... its not like anyone reads my bloggs anyways.. or maybe they doo... who knows but im just writing out of my ass trying vent out my anger and ideas i have going in my head... I miss my peeps, my lollipop crew, my street racer crew, my kariokie nuts, my close homies of going out late at night to adventures unknown... I don't feel like me right now.. i feel odd, out of place, its the effect of being all druged up and then stopping it cold truky... Err... i need to get out or sleep or something, im all shakey and feeling wieard... i cant concentrate or anything... good greef... anyways im going to attempt to eat something maybe jump in my car and make some sence of my self... I dont even know what day it is... Its all a blurr when you come off a high... Oh yea so i missed the fair all togeather and money, yea nothing for me i guess.. all my friends worked the damm fair except me the fool who was in the hospital... Ok i keep reapeating my self... w/e fuck it maybe it was not ment to be...
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Up Yours Valentine's...
Saint Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is on February 14. It is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other; sending Valentine's cards or candy. It is very common to present flowers on Valentine's Day. The holiday is named after two men, both Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.
Well I say Fuck this day! I hate it, Wish it would never be real, and if i ever could travel in time... The Asshole two men who came up with martyrs Valentine will die slowly as i kill them... I will First cut off fingers and then legs then hot wax with w/e else i can think that will not kill them instantly... Screw this day... For the one girl who called me today and wished me Happy Valentine, thank you... As for the rest of you... Fuck off...
Anti Valentine LILMAN X >_<
Well I say Fuck this day! I hate it, Wish it would never be real, and if i ever could travel in time... The Asshole two men who came up with martyrs Valentine will die slowly as i kill them... I will First cut off fingers and then legs then hot wax with w/e else i can think that will not kill them instantly... Screw this day... For the one girl who called me today and wished me Happy Valentine, thank you... As for the rest of you... Fuck off...
Anti Valentine LILMAN X >_<
Monday, February 12, 2007
Long Long Week...
Well it’s been a long week and its now all over... Monday will soon be here and thank god for it... I don’t know what was the longest day this week, Sleep has been almost nothing for me because between going out and chilling with Chris, Tina, Chrissy and so on... Until super late and then going to school and hanging out with j and also katia needed some help with her car and also chrissy's car died and then the adventures of TJCA has given me no sleep and made me super tired... Today was the Low rider was at the fair and I was working it with a few peeps, it was awesome... When I was working the gate and checking cars the one person I did not expect to see... Lazzaro or Dj Laz to the rest of you who know him as that, so yeah it was super funny... He was like" What the hell are you doing here,” I told him " Oh I work the fair as security and I am checking car's out..." It was funny because I told the other girl at the gate, joking around "don’t let this guy in" " he's a criminal"... It was super funny and Big will was cracking up with us too... So after my shift was done around 3pm, I was going to check out the Bikini contest and laz saw me on the side and got me a Vip backstage pass and all, so I was chilling with Big Will and will's girl wile the girls was going crazy on stage right in front of me too... It was awesome doing the Vip thing after I was working since early but yeah I was loving it... So after that was karaoke and home and now its time for bed...
Sleepy LILMAN X >_<
Sleepy LILMAN X >_<
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Initial D, Civic Stage 110 Octane Boost!
What a crazy night i have had... First let me start off by saying i put one gallon of Sunoco 110 Octane in my civic... It was awesome... We were on Okeechobee and they sell the race fuel so i took a gallon can with me to fill it so i could put it in my car because they don't let you put it directly in your car... So w/e it was fun as hell... I raced a bunch of cars and i won only once after i put the Race fuel in my car but only after that... So Meany pigs were out in the street trying to catch us race but i was smart and knew were to punch it and were not to... Davy got pulled over though... I thought he was screwed for sure because he was at least 10 cars a head of me. I was doing about 80 and he must of been doing like 110 or 120 but after the cop pulled him over and he met us up at the gas station... He told us that the cop pulled him over because he turned his lights off by accident... It was funny as hell... I say he better take it to court, because its real stupid... So after that happened we were at the Sunco and a Skyline pulled up... OMG i was in heaven, it was sooo sexy and nice and clean too... Wow this was the second one I've ever seen up close... I have to give it to that guy that owned it, what a awesome car... (I forgot to take pictures..) The racing fuel was grate for my car, cleaned the engine right up... At first when it started going into the engine it was smoking but it was burning all the carbon and crap deposits inside... Now it runs real good and super high RPM's too... Its awesome and the smell is soo nice too.. Its a sweet odor that's just awesome and i love it too.. I wish i could make a air freshener out of it or something... My home boy Dio told me that i could not put it in the civic because the compression is too low for it... But it runs just fine... Actually it runs better than before and faster too... Well after the cops stopping people and the racing and the this and that i am super tired.. i think i might just lay down and watch TV and have a over dose of coffee in the morning to keep me going... What a night ... WOOT !!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Initial D, Civic Stage...
So today was rather cool... I had an easy day because i didn't go to school and i basically did nothing until about 3pm or so... I picked up j to do some stuff i had to take care of, so i went to the bank and then after that we took a little trip to Mikey's house to see his intake for the STI... So w/e chilled and talked about the 1/8 mile that they are going to open up... I think if its cheep I'm going to take my car to test it out on the track... Who knows what it will do... So then after that i dropped J off and i was at lollipop until about 10 or so... It was a rather slow blah day at lollipop, then we did the dinner thing and talked like we all do every week... So after i left lollipop i was out with Jj and J... Its Thursday so we were hunting for some races... Well we found only a pack of Eclipses running around so w/e we fallowed them... So after we were way out to chrome and 8Th they made a U turn and came back around... So i was like screw this let me pick one out and see what they got... Passed the red one then a blue-ish one... Then i was next to some black one with gauges and stuff and some exhaust system... So i was like OK lets play with this sucker... Well twice i burned him... What a crap car that was... On the 3rd time i just got sick and pulled back out of it... I was doing about 110 and a car length ahead of him... What a fool too, his girl was rideing shot gun too... Loser can i say... So yeah after i burned him we just chilled for 30 more Min's after i told the guys to lose the eclipses because they sucked and that was that... Back home.. So i call it a Initial D day, civic stage... lol... So yeah I'm going to bed... Unless a party or something pops up i think I'm going to stay home... Sat is going to be Okeechobee... Oh yea, the big toys time...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Back but still away...
Well its 2007 now and i am kinda back... I took a week or 2 off for my self to go and think about stuff... Even still i have a lot on my mind, ideas, thoughts and other things i can't write about, or at least not yet because people will read it or people will be offended or w/e... Its just a lot of thoughts i think to my self over and over that keep repeating in my head like a massive CD stuck on loop... I kind of got lost i guess, i know a lot of you called my cellphone and texted me and were like: are you alive or in the hospital... None of which i was... I was just in my room most of the time with the door closed and watched some movies and TV and had a lot of time to think... Think of plans for 2007 and how 2006 was and so on... its not as easy as you think to be me... Lots of thinking required... Its still too early for me to list my goal's and other things i want to write about but in due time and before the month is over i shall post it... until then, just keep checking back...
Two hearts fading, like a flower.
And all this waiting, for the power.
For some answer, to this fire.
Sinking slowly. The wateras higher.
With no secrets. No obsession.
This time I'm speeding with no direction.
Without a reason. What is this fire?
Burning slowly. My one and only.
You know me. You don't mind waiting.
You just can't show me, but God I'm praying,
That you'll find me, and that you'll see me,
That you run and never tire.
Two hearts fading, like a flower.
And all this waiting, for the power.
For some answer, to this fire.
Sinking slowly. The wateras higher.
With no secrets. No obsession.
This time I'm speeding with no direction.
Without a reason. What is this fire?
Burning slowly. My one and only.
You know me. You don't mind waiting.
You just can't show me, but God I'm praying,
That you'll find me, and that you'll see me,
That you run and never tire.
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