Sunday, April 28, 2002


Im sorry i havent been able to wite since last week things have just been too crazy for me. This week has been pure hell on eath for me between my parents being on my ass and constant tellinh me what to do when how and ect. Another reson was that i could not get out of my house untill friday wich i have been spending till now in seclution. I just cant deal with people calling me asking my advice when i ask them and i get no responce, i hate being the one who gives gives and then i get nothing out of it. So this weekend i basicly sed "fu*k it and came to someplace i know no one will bother me. I only let serten people call me on my cell wile im here because i know they bring happyness to me and wont be asking me 20 Q&A. I sometimes wonder why people come to me for advice in relashonships if i cant even str8en my own sometimes. Why me? Why every time i give advice it gos so well and then when i try to resolve my own problems it never works out... I just dont understand, When will it be my turn to ask and receve, will someones advice help me...


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