Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Triping the dream world, with twist of huh?

So i woke up this morning with this weardo trip dream, it was like the wierdest thing... I felt like i was taken back in time with me in it as when i used to do the clubbing thing... Like when i used to be big on the culbing thing, so w/e it was the old crew but with some new peoples sort of, like i think it was the old crew but they felt like new peeps that i knew or met... So i like woke up and whent back to sleep and it was the same thing but it was like now mixed with the past, like i was young but i had my car and it was all pimped out, so w/e i am shooting the shit with the club peeps and then it was chill i was with some chick and partying, danceing and stuff... weard i know but w/e. Oh yeah so my burnt day i had yesterday was like an insomia and... ok so i am bullshiting, what happend was the day befor i was out all day long, i woke up like around 7am on a sunday because katia wanted to go to the beach and it was fun so w/e i whent with her got a little burnt, ok so i got burnt on my back and then after i picked up terrell and alain and then we triped over to were julian (juliho - miami one) works, stoped by and then after we diped to just eat shit for about 2 hrs and then during our adventures in board-land we got the munchies and we whent to some Checkers were this nice girl working the window had to deal with alain and terrell... Ayyy so like alain as usal making his comments and stuff terrell doing his own thing so w/e it was so funny, i ws just in the car embarised thinking omg stop with the stupidity, but w/e it was funny... I think terrell got her name and # but im not sure, im sure one day we will go back one day... So besides that yesterday was fun yet another day of staying out late and doing stuff... Myself terrell and luis whent to kazola's the origanl awsome place to eat pizza, damm i havent been there since about the times i used to go clubbing in the grove, its been awile... The place has changed-somewhat but it still rules... So we chilled and had fun and whent to publix after and that was so much fun... lol i told terrell to grab the cart with the kid car in the front... Sick sad part is that i fit inside of it and also to add i had a damm good view of well you can imagen as they walked by... then after back to terrells then to katias house for a wile and then home around 3am... Well thats about it, just had to catch up and now im going to watch capten ron and chill and relax...


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