Well what a day or 2 days its been it has sure been crazy.... Broken pc, mostly its my video card thats all screwed up and i need to buy a new one but w/e my moms getting for me... so today i had to go to school and i had to make up alot of work and now i just want to go home and relax but i cant because i have to still go home get stuff and katia has not called me and this is the last week of the fair... i feel like screaming and going crazy and i cant... but anyways i am going to go to luis class do his make up work and stuff and i also have to schedual stuff for my A+... I AM GOING CRAZY! so what now... roxy im sorry i havent been online but i have alot of stuff to do... just please do me a favor and check this site as much as you can to keep in contact with you...
LILMAN X......... >_< crazy
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Computer is down for the time... Sigh >_<
Well today so sucked... i mean i was haveing a good night last night and i came home and my pc whent screwy ... i think my video card is screwd so i have to replace it.... i mean its only 3 years old and it shouldent be acting up like this... i installed some old cheepy card for the time being but i think the O.S. (operating system, windows xp) is all messed up and im going to have to reinstall it all over agen... well i guess what i might as well do is add a few new things like maby a new controller card for all my hard drives and i will finish sorting out all the junk that i have.... well its super late and i am super tierd and it sure has been along day so i am going to bed.... by thursday my pc should be up and running... (i hope)
Roxy if i am not online dont worrie just email me or somthing
untill i can chat with you on msn
Roxy if i am not online dont worrie just email me or somthing
untill i can chat with you on msn
Friday, March 25, 2005
Cant get away from forgetting...
Well so yesterday was an awsome day i hung out with the guys for a bit, it was j, jj, juliho, and like 2 other cats all riding around in our cars getting crazy... lets just say we were looking for racers around miami and we had fun... Well today for some odd reson i have not been able to take a friend of mine who i havent seen in years and i havent talked to in a wile... i really did like her for a long time and i still do but the realality is that i most probably will never see her for a long time so there is no reason for me to even think about her, but today has been like a big, bigh reminder of her becuase when i turned on my winamp i heard "the song" the one that reminds me of her and then i was like ok so i turned on my media player to watch some music vids and another song came up that also reminds me of her... its like ok a little bit odd so then i tryed to for get about it by cleaning my room and i found some old letters and notes she wrote to me so that was just dammit... so i thought i would write about it... i miss her alot and i wonder how she is doing ... well w/e its just me thinking stupid agen... seems like every girl i ever cared for just up and left... w/e se la ve... well im off to get some pc stuff ... i will write later tonight maybe about tonights adventures because today is terrells latst day at tiger :( but w/e he hates it and i dont blame him...
(miss you)
(miss you)
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Almost back to one
What a night i had last night... i feel much better... no i didnt go out but i did take a nice hot shower and sorta slept good... i did have like withdraw symtems felt all ickish... So today was like a trip i thought it was thursday well like an hr it will be but w/e i thought it was thursday and tomarrow was friday so i was like all worped and twisted... ah what a day so i was like chilling here all day and i didnt do much... i found out about a band named MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE Awsome group they have this one song named Helena awsome song... i talked to roxy today i was so happy to talk to her... i wish she would just get here so we could hang out ... well 2marrow i am attemting to get back to my life after all the crap thats happend...
So i was suposed to be at jackson hospital for a few days and it turned into a week.... Well a lil more trust me i was counting the days and they wernt fun at all... USALY i go to miami childrens hospital were they actualy have a brain and they know what they are doing... and i mean at this place it was like taking a old outdated hospital and putting retards in the positions of the doctors and nurse... WTF do they only let you in if your a nurse reject... and i know i am 22 but geez stop telling me i look young... thank god i am home were i can take care of my self... im going to bed 2marrow i will write about all the bad shit they did to me and what i had to do to battle myself out of there....
Song... Cowboy BeBop-The Real Folk Blues
Song... Cowboy BeBop-The Real Folk Blues
Monday, March 14, 2005
Tests and more medical bullshit
Well so like im leaving the house in a few to go to jackson hospital to be admited so my new doctor can do more test.... Fun i know... I dont know any of the staff there or anyone... well this should be intresting... i hope all gos well... well i should have a hell of a story when i get back... I should be back by WED or Thursday the latest, if not somthing has gone wrong... which im sure it wont because if it douse i will get the hell out and go to MCH... TIME FOR BATTLE!!! >_<
ps... roxy dont worrie i should be fine.... TO MY CREW...DAMMIT CALL MY CELL TO VISIT ME! and yes i will have a brain stew wile i am there....
ps... roxy dont worrie i should be fine.... TO MY CREW...DAMMIT CALL MY CELL TO VISIT ME! and yes i will have a brain stew wile i am there....
Sunday, March 13, 2005
The next 3 days...
Well so its like almost 11 and 2marrow is monday... i really dont want the next 3 days to come. I have to do 2 tests 2marrow... i dont even think i am ready to take them... I really havent studyed for them and i know mentaly i am not prepared to... I have to go to jackson hospital to have an indoscopy done because i have been cramping alot... what sucks is i hate this decition but i have to do it... i rather have it done at MCH because i know the staff there but since the G.I. team and i dont get along i have no other choice... I know i am not going to do good on that test because all i have on my mind is the indoscopy... I dont know anyone there, i dont know how the staff is like or how stupid or smart they are when it comes to what i have... Sigh...
The Rats Nest Clean Up
So its like 3 am and i can't sleep as usal... I should be tierd after all the cleaning i did all day long, i picked up my room and sorted all the junk that i had stacked up on my desk and all over my room wich was alot... i mean my room is not big at all but damm i didnt know i could keep so much junk in this rats nest as i call it... Yesterday i forgot to write but i had fun... I chilled mostly with the guys, basicly all we did was drive around town looking for stuff to do but there wasent much to do actualy... Tryed to chase down this undercover cop who was in a racer like car, but we lost him on the road and couldent find him the rest of the night. Oh the most awsome part was we found this Civic all smashed and parked in some parking lot and no one has clamed it in about 2 days... So me and the guys are going to try to see if we can Towe it to J's house and strip it for parts Its like a total loss and i think some one just diched it there so who knows what we are going to do with it... I mean mostly i dont want anything to do with it but shit if it has bad ass parts i want some of it... mostly the nice wing on it or maybe the lights... Anyways.... Oh man i was like waiting all day for roxy to go online and like i missed her twice... the first time i was alseep but it was 5 am and the second time i was waiting and waiting and i actualy fell asleep for like 10 mins reading my book and when i came back i saw she was offline like 3mins after i woke up and checked my log file.. damm, well i hope she is ok... i really wanted to talk to her but i guess i will catch her some other time... 2marrow cleaning part 2 and i have to study for a major test on monday but i will be online so if "YOU" happen to be online please IM ME... Time to sleep got to get up early...
Friday, March 11, 2005
Too sleepy...
I am so tierd... im way too sleepy to write about my day... i have been up since 6 am... i will write 2marrow when i wake up... sleep time....
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Same Crap with a twist of brain stew
So like i told you befor i didnt go out and do anything... fucked up but w/e what can i do about people that dont call back or chicken out on going out... W/e fuk the bullshit... Now, since i didnt do crap all night i started building a Webpage for my self, yeah i know i have one but its time to make an uptodate one and grow up from that old Nukeliar wate land of an old website... I will create somthing not too complex but simple that its just some info pics and thats about it.... I wonder How roxy is... They were haveing a big Rally over there in lebanon but im sure shes ok... I cant wait to see her.. Here in miami that is, maybe we can hang out and party and stuff... I want to get to know her more... Infact why the hell am i writeing about this instead of telling her... Duh im sure shes going to read this and think im a dork >_< ... anyways its almost 2 so im going to get ready for bed... Nice hot shower and jam to some 93 ROCK befor i sleep...
All I have to say is GREENDAY- BRAIN STEW....
All I have to say is GREENDAY- BRAIN STEW....
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
School, Doctor, and doing nothing....
Well so today another day of going to school and learning... Well more like taking another test and going over it wich takes for ever for some reason... I had a doctors appt at 2 with my GI... Well good news and bad news... The good part is that i am doing so far so good with my meds the bad news is i have a strickture... (narrowing of the intestions) bummer i know, so they have to do some tests and stuff see if i might have to have an operation... Fun... W/e I am used to it by now and i have to deal with it... Well its almost 10pm and i so want to go out and i have no clue on what my peeps are doing so ... Duh i am stuck here at home with nothing to do... i hope some one calls me or i will just grab some junk food and be a lazy bum and do nothing as usal... So i was driveing today blasting a grate song .. Teenage dirtbag by WHEATUS i think im going to add it as my intro song to the site...
WHEATUS - Teenage dirtbag
WHEATUS - Teenage dirtbag
Her name is Noel
I have a dream about her
She rings my bell
I got gym class in half an hour
Oh how she rocks
In Keds and tube socks
But she doesn't know who I am
And she doesn't give a damn about me
Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby
Yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby
Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me
Monday, March 07, 2005
not much but not at all...
So today yet another day that i didnt do much, just the usal i guess you could say... I am now really worried about my friend in lebanon i hope she is ok cuz i have been reading on the news shits kinda getting bad over there at times... So i picked up terrell and hung out with him and that was about it... we just whent to Elpinguino's house to chill and that was about it... Now im going to sleep i have a long day ahead of me... lots of home works and shit to do....
Sunday, March 06, 2005
scrub, wash and chill..
So today was w/e layed back i didnt do much just stayed at home and wased my car.... Since i havent wased my car in such a long time actualy its been about 2months since i have wased my car now that i remeber i gave it a good scrubbing... So it took me a wile to was the car and it
came out awsome...
too bad it was almost sundown or it would of looked alot better and you could tell the true shine of it... Well i havent seen my friend from lebanon online in a few... i hope she is doing ok... i have been reading about stuff happining over there but i dont know whats going to happen.. so its like hella late and im super tierd im going to bed 2marrow i will ... might... maybe... probly not do some homework but who knows what im going to do for sure...
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Yesterdays adventures of drunken stupidness and relaxing
Well so yesterday was intresting.. It was 2 of my friends B-days, colleen and kevin So the day started off by getting my ass up hella early to do about 20 things... NOT... Actualy i was like up at 11am just because the day befor i was up till about 4 am as usal. So then i was just chilling all day and then at noight we were going to celibrate kevins 21'st b-day, duh we had to get his ass drunk off his mind. So we hit up the ALE HOUSE on kendall and well got him good and fu-bar-ed up. so then after that we had so much fun at Dave and busters collecting teckets to get some cool blowup hammers that we smacked the hell out of eachother with. That was the best part of the night because it felt like we were in highschool agen being all playful and goofy... i was loving it. So after the 5 of us hit eachother over and over with the blowup hammers we just split and i whent to see colleen at the Doral ALE HOUSE... Well it was me colleen some guy there that likes rachel with her and 2 other people... W/e stupid things happend like drunken people usaly do but w/e i dont care... i never drink to get drunk i drink for the flavor of it... After some drama broke out and i was like making sure colleen was ok i just came home and whent to sleep around like 5 or so... Today i just chilled at home relaxing because i have class and lollipop 2marrow and i might go out after that... Well thats about it, dont know why i keep updating this thing if no one really looks at it but maybe its my way of Venting my problems... Some times its good to write...
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Semi Charmed Kind of Life (BULLSHIT)
So like its been about a month since i have writen in here and so what... bite me because i havent had the time or the abillity to... umm lets see whats new with me... my pc is working agen... sorta... Ummm... my grandmother died wile i was in the hospital in feb for about 2weeks, i couldent go to the funarl, so that sucked... I still have no girl, school is giveing me greef because i am missing so much school because we all know how much i love to get sick and go to CLUB HELL (mch). So besides that... oh yeah i have some minor problems with my car that i have to fix but w/e least of my problems and then i also have a problem with the "transplant team" because now they want a new entier set of test and i havent a clue of how im going to get them all togeather, my doctors are all driving me crazy because some say i cant go to MCH any more but some do say i can go if i want to... then if thats not enough shit to deal with, my social life still sucks most of the time. i have too much stress for me to deal with.. but hey i always do somthing to pull me out... i feel like pulling my hairs out and screaming at the same time but, i stay cool most of the time.... Now to more inportant stuff as if what you just read wasent important... I have to finish My schooling or at least this end of it... reinroll with the school to get my Asociets, besides that my pc is still all scatterd and unorganized but hey it just matches the rest of my problems... At least im going to be moving my room into a little bit bigger room in this house and that should be fun or disastoriouse... i wish i had a girl who would take my problems away and be by my side.. (fat chance of that) So thats about all my problems for now... i think i have enough to deal with at the moment so w/e. My goil for this month is to have as much fun as i can and relax and enjoy myself and take care of all my problems too... so my friend in lebenon might be comming over which would be awsome but bad at the same time because that means shits bad over there, so... i dont know. Well its like 7 and im going to get dressed and go out and have fun cuz im not staying home tonight... Heres a song to live by
Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life
I'm packed and I'm holding
I'm smiling, she's living, she's golden, she lives for me
She says she lives for me, Ovation, Her own motivation,
She comes round and she goes down on me,
And I make her smile, Like a drug for you,
Do ever what you want to do, Coming over you,
Keep on smilin', what we go through. One stop to the rhythm that divides you,
And I speak to you like the chorus to the verse,
Chop another line like a coda with a curse,
Come on like a freak show takes the stage.
We give them the games we play, she say,
I want something else,
to get me through this,
Semi-charmed kind of life, baby, babyI want something else,
I'm not listenin when you say,Goodbye?
Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life
I'm packed and I'm holding
I'm smiling, she's living, she's golden, she lives for me
She says she lives for me, Ovation, Her own motivation,
She comes round and she goes down on me,
And I make her smile, Like a drug for you,
Do ever what you want to do, Coming over you,
Keep on smilin', what we go through. One stop to the rhythm that divides you,
And I speak to you like the chorus to the verse,
Chop another line like a coda with a curse,
Come on like a freak show takes the stage.
We give them the games we play, she say,
I want something else,
to get me through this,
Semi-charmed kind of life, baby, babyI want something else,
I'm not listenin when you say,Goodbye?
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