Well I don't have much to write about today... I was a bum all day long because I didn't feel like doing anything, I was kinda tired and out of it for some reason... Short of breath too.. So w/e... I basically have been watching my house DVD's that my mom got me... All of season 1 and season 2... So far I am up to DVD 2 of season one side B since its dual sided... Well I have an idea... If anyone has ever watched cruel intentions and seen it a lot, they find out that the bad girl writes in a little book she has I guess its a dairy and she puts peoples picture and writes about them... Well I think I might just do something like that online but keep it too my self... I think it would be way too harsh for most everyone I know and what I think... Remember the truth is the worst opinion you could tell some one... That's why we all lie and say something else logically... And don't try to say, oh but I am always honest... You know its bullshit so admit it, no one is perfect but we would all like to think that we are... I doubt you haven't looked at some one you've known for a long time and thought the opposite of what your telling them... Well w/e that's all I have to say... Going to bed to watch more house... Who knows until what time...
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Black Checkers VS. Red Checkers... Who Wins?
Well, another day.... Today I did the usual thing I do every Thursday, School in the morning, hang out with a few friends at school, go home and eat, hit the streets once more and then come home... The only thing I didn't do today was radio lollipop and that was due to an eye infection that I might have, which IM going to go get checked out asap... Ok so I was thinking to myself today well I have to put my life in a status... Look at it from the 3rd person point of view or 4th... What is going good and what is going wrong... Red checkers is good stuff And Black is bad stuff... First My health issues... I am on the liver transplant list and have not been taken off but inactive so that cancels each other out... I was diagnosed with something new (One Black)... I have 3 chronic diseases 2 that are incredible (One Black)... I currently have no doctor at the moment due to the pussy asshole I had didn't want me anymore (One Black)... I feel healthy (One Red)...
2 Other things are wrong with me that I don't want to say (One Black)... Now personal issues... I have a wide variety of friends (One Red)... I can count on at least a few of them for sure if I need something (One Red)... I have no steady employment... (One Black) I have some money I gain back every now and then (One Red)... I have a car that's hot (One Red)... I currently have no girlfriend (One Black)... I've tried to get a steady G/F but failed (One Black)... I meet a lot of girls (One Red)... IM a realest most of the time or pessimist (One Black)... I have some horrible luck for most things (One Black)... If I work my ass off to something that I want I get it rarely (One Red)... My room sucks and I could never bring a chick back to my place (One Black)... Haven't gotten any in a real long time (One Black)... I am almost never home because I am busy doing what I want (One Red)... I'll probably look young for a long time in the long run (One Red)... I currently look too young now and it works against me sometimes (One Black) I some times use my young look to my advantage for cheaper stuff (One Red)... I am sick of the battle of the every day rutieen (One Black)... I am fed up with stupid bullshit I have to save some people sometimes(One Black)... I love my school because its easy and fun (One Red) I get harassed constantly because of how old I look (One Black)... I hate that some people call me for only favors when its just for that and nothing else the rest of the time (One Black)... That all I can think of off the top of my head... Well lets see how we did... I have 16 black and 11 Red... Well So I did just as I thought... Just Wonderful... W/e Fuck it I am going to bed and I don't give a shit... At least until tomorrow...
2 Other things are wrong with me that I don't want to say (One Black)... Now personal issues... I have a wide variety of friends (One Red)... I can count on at least a few of them for sure if I need something (One Red)... I have no steady employment... (One Black) I have some money I gain back every now and then (One Red)... I have a car that's hot (One Red)... I currently have no girlfriend (One Black)... I've tried to get a steady G/F but failed (One Black)... I meet a lot of girls (One Red)... IM a realest most of the time or pessimist (One Black)... I have some horrible luck for most things (One Black)... If I work my ass off to something that I want I get it rarely (One Red)... My room sucks and I could never bring a chick back to my place (One Black)... Haven't gotten any in a real long time (One Black)... I am almost never home because I am busy doing what I want (One Red)... I'll probably look young for a long time in the long run (One Red)... I currently look too young now and it works against me sometimes (One Black) I some times use my young look to my advantage for cheaper stuff (One Red)... I am sick of the battle of the every day rutieen (One Black)... I am fed up with stupid bullshit I have to save some people sometimes(One Black)... I love my school because its easy and fun (One Red) I get harassed constantly because of how old I look (One Black)... I hate that some people call me for only favors when its just for that and nothing else the rest of the time (One Black)... That all I can think of off the top of my head... Well lets see how we did... I have 16 black and 11 Red... Well So I did just as I thought... Just Wonderful... W/e Fuck it I am going to bed and I don't give a shit... At least until tomorrow...
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Home study, Long time no spleechies?
Well so today I was back at school but not for too long because it was a short day due to its only an independent study class... So w/e get the work say hello and bounce... So basically its awesome but not because I have to do everything my self.. Besides that I didn't do much... Oh I did take the winshild wipers off my car painted them and they look awesome.. I did that on the weekend... So yeah nothing much to tell.. Oh One big thing I was super happy was to hear from roxy... I so missed talking to her on MSN... Its been forever since I talked with her because her internet is only on a here to there basics due to she's in Peru and waiting to come to the US... Stupid visa residentcy stuff... But besides that she should be here soon since everything was started in JAN... So we all know how slow our lovely Government is.. Jack asses ... So when she gets here to Miami, wow I don't know were to begin... I think I might need help from some one on an issue but w/e that's eventually... I hope when she gets here we can hang out and all that stuff... Fake id must be because its going to be hard to get her into unknown places... The mourge should be easy but as for the rest... I don't know... I hope she will live close to me, but w/e I got a car, I drive fast so w/e no problemo... Well I am getting sleepy.... I do have class and I have to get some rest for that EEG in the morning... IM outta here... >_<
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Middle Of The Day ANT HILL BURN!!!
Just a thought I was thinking I should share... Because it seems every time I am looking for something I cant find it... I feel as if god is looking down at me with a magnifying lens and using the sun to burn off my feelers and then eyes and then leg by leg... Slowly driving me crazy... H first starts by putting water over my sent trail so I cant find my way back to that ant hill and then just mash me with a finger so half my legs are broken and IM stumbling around all screwed up... Then he burns my feelers off so I cant feel the ground and just slowly craw around... Then burn off a back leg, then one by one burn the rest off and then my torso until just my head is left until I die... HHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! FUCKING PISSED OFF ....
Saturday, August 19, 2006
The end of this week... Good Riddance!!!
Well its Friday and thank god this week is over... What a peace of shit it has been so far... It has not gone well at all and today I guess was the iceing on the cake... I have had it with building and fixing Computers because I think my now 4 day head ache has stayed because I still am trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with that shit... W/e at least I haven't drove all the way down to hell to take a look at it... My god every time I have to travel down to homestead so I can just get aggravated with that shit so then I cant do jack about it... So w/e fuck that also I have applied for work at some place and the damm place hasn't called me back so w/e fuck them too.. So lets see that's 2 strikes so far.. What a lovely week... Oh yeah so I met a girl at the mourge who I thought was sexy and super nice but just a minor draw back... She's not looking for anything just wants to have fun... Ok no problem with me.. But here's the real draw back... She douse not live in Miami so w/e, I can't win... Strike 3 BTW... Then I also was arguing with my doctor and the bastard is so fucking immature because he doesn't want to see me anymore because my case is soooo complicated... WTF... I don't get this shit, ever since I passed out had that seizure in the hospital and had a nervous break down he has been a real jerk and hasn't wanted to see me any more... Well fuck that son of a bitch immature asshole who should get his MD taken away because he cant handle my case.. I told that fuck face bastard that I was complicated and I would help him out because I know myself and I know what goes on... Fuck you, jack sucking dick fucker bastard form whose mother was a whore... Soon he is going to have 7 or more patient's with draw because I have that power.. He wants war, fine you got it... He has no idea the people he was going to get... Now suffer and loose money you son of a bitch... So that's strike 4.... Lets see oh yeah I was sitting today at starbucks and just relaxing when something hit me like a plain in the are hitting a bird flying down for the winter... I am single, not happy with it and also sad because I have jack shit girls to show for it... I am sick of this life... Time to go hunting I guess you could say or maybe if you are reading this, you can hunt my ass down and get me.... I don't care which way it goes, just need some thing to bring back to camp... Wow I love how I make analogies... So w/e what a shit week... Oh yeah Monday I start school so w/e maybe next week shall go better... w/e I doubt it but hey its the weekend now and then back to hell next week... I mean yay another week... Yeah w/e you know how much I love to bullshit so... blah >_<
Lilman x >_<
P.S. say something stupid and be crucifyed for it!!!
I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she was gonna meet her connection
At her feet was a footloose man
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you might find
You get what you need
And I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse
Singing, were gonna vent our frustration
If we dont were gonna blow a 50-amp fuse
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need
I went down to the chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with mr. jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda
My favorite flavor, cherry red
I sung my song to mr. jimmy
Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was dead
I said to him
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You get what you need
You get what you need--yeah, oh baby
I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need
Lilman x >_<
P.S. say something stupid and be crucifyed for it!!!
I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she was gonna meet her connection
At her feet was a footloose man
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you might find
You get what you need
And I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse
Singing, were gonna vent our frustration
If we dont were gonna blow a 50-amp fuse
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need
I went down to the chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with mr. jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda
My favorite flavor, cherry red
I sung my song to mr. jimmy
Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was dead
I said to him
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You get what you need
You get what you need--yeah, oh baby
I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
You cant always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need
Monday, August 14, 2006
Try Something New And Steady
Well today was something... All I must say is if all was as well as it was today then tomorrow should be the best... I plan to write about it but not until its a for sure thing... It was raining all day long and I was hanging out with Luis and jess because its been for ever since we chilled the 3 of us... Played Kill all humans on the PS2 and well that's about it... I am not going to write much because I have something important tomorrow at 10 or 11 A.M. until about 1P.M. So leave me alone or I shall ignore you and then after I am done, I shall yell at you about calling me... I am Off to bed for once before 1 A.M. Night~!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I Just got home from computer hell 5 AM, fuck this shit of giving...
Well its 5 am and I just got home not 10 mins ago and I had left here at 9 something this morning to go to lollipop, its a good thing too because it took for ever to get things started, but that's another story... So w/e the rest of the damm day I have been going to homesead to the same person's house to fix her computer... The worst part is since IM such a nice guy and I feel bad that she's almost blind and she's gives me food, I barely charged her what I should... Its such bullshit because, that Dell computer she has is like almost impossible for it to work, I mean I tried every damm trick I had and a lot more, until I had no choice to give up and say I have to take it with me to look at it... Well I left her house at 4:30 something and I had gotten there around 3... It was supposed to be soo simple, because dell sent me the driver CD and w/e simple install right...? Wrong, it took me 7 hrs of fighting with that thing until I set screw it I give up on this today... Then the other computer that is her little girls, well that was a screw up too... I installed windows and w/e it was fine and then after it got all messed up because of stuff she needed to look at.... Now I have tons of spam on that PC and I had a fight with it until 4:15 and told her I need sleep... Well as I should of done, I should of told her... Its going to be 40 for today's 16hr day... I mean that was crazy... AHHHH!!! I only asked for 10, just barely to get gas and that was it... fuck this day its already the next day and the sun is rising so IM hitting the bed... Or at least try to... fuck that shit... Greenday put it best : "Nice guys Finish Last"
GREENDAY - Nice guys finish last. You're running out of gas. Your sympathy will get you left behind. Sometimes you're at your best, when you look the worst. Do you feel washed up, like piss going down the drain Pressure cooker pick my brain and tell me I'm insane. I'm so freaking happy I could cry. Every joke can have its truth and now the joke's on you. I never knew you were such a funny guy. Oh nice guys finish last, when you are the outcast. Don't pat yourself on the back, you might break your spine. Living on command. You're shaking lots of hands. Kissing up and bleeding all your trust, taking what you need. Bit the hand that feeds. You kill your memory
GREENDAY - Nice guys finish last. You're running out of gas. Your sympathy will get you left behind. Sometimes you're at your best, when you look the worst. Do you feel washed up, like piss going down the drain Pressure cooker pick my brain and tell me I'm insane. I'm so freaking happy I could cry. Every joke can have its truth and now the joke's on you. I never knew you were such a funny guy. Oh nice guys finish last, when you are the outcast. Don't pat yourself on the back, you might break your spine. Living on command. You're shaking lots of hands. Kissing up and bleeding all your trust, taking what you need. Bit the hand that feeds. You kill your memory
Sunday, August 06, 2006
7 no sleep... Don't Want time to pass...
Well its 7 am and IM still up... No I have not slept since 10 am yesterday... I cant sleep because I know what today is... Its the most horrible and hardest day I've had in a long time... Today I have to face the fact, she is not here, she has passed on, there is no more in this realm of what we see as life... She is and always will be alive in my heart but sad that such a wonderful person has passed on... It still hasn't hit me truthfully that she is gone... I guess I just want to deny it or pretend its not real... In the last day and a half I haven't thought about it or even worried or got sad... I keep telling my self she is going to call and yell at me or something... Or just tell me hey IM at the hospital and IM board with nothing to do... Maybe complaining about some retarded nurse who just got out of school and she's lost in giving the complex meds or get used to how we like it... It cant be, its just not clicking that its real... I fear it will hit me today and I know I will have to face it but I still hope its not real... I know its stupid thinking this way but its easier on myself to be like, well w/e its all not real... I read the obituaries online and it was wonderful... I shall paste it at the end of this blog to remember her Digital wise... Like I always say, its better to be online and have a record that way your never erased, (unless the matrix or terminator hapends) I guess I will give all the details about the entire event that goes on today... Maybe later tonight or tomorrow, that I am not sure... Well if I cant get sleep IM going to my bed and just lay down and watch some TV...
HERNANDEZ, GENINE, 21, of Hollywood, passed Aug. 3, 2006, beloved daughter Neysa Silver Hernandez & Carlos Hernandez-Campo of Hollywood, cherished sister of Jennifer Hernandez of Boca Raton, adored granddaughter of Arnold & Lydia Silver of Aventura, loving niece of Cecile (Frank) Jacome & Irv David of NMB, dear cousin of Bruce &amp;amp; Andrew Klepper of NMB, Brett & Brooke David of NMB. Our beautiful, sweet, loving little girl is now with God where she may rest in peace for all eternity. We will always love and miss you more than words can describe. In lieu of flowers, family suggests donations to the American Diabetes Association Phone (800) DIABETES or P.O. Box 1131 Fairfax, VA 22038-1131. CHAPEL SERVICES, SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 2006 AT 2:00 p.m. AT LEVITT- WEINSTEIN CHAPEL AT BETH DAVID MEMORIAL GARDENS, 3201 N.W. 72nd Ave., Hollywood. UNDER THE DIRECTIONS OF BLASBERG-RUBIN-ZILBERT (305) 538-6371 To visit this Guest Book Online, go to www.herald.com/obituaries. Published in The Miami Herald from 8/5/2006 - 8/6/2006.

Friday, August 04, 2006
It's Getting Worse... Pound Away At Me, Please Just Wont Stop..
Today is one of the worst days I have had in the longest time I can last remember... To be honest, I think its just a extreme bad dream that I will wake up from, and it will all be fake... Today a extreme close friend of mine Passed away.... I don't know what to say because its like I talked to her and now she will never be able to talk ever.... Its unreal to me because I saw her in the hospital room as I usually do, but this time was unreal... I was expecting her to get out of this like every single time she is sick, then I yell at her for not doing what she should of and then she takes the turn on doing the same to me.... I can't conceive this... Its not happening that she is gone, its like she was and now she is not, I tried to give my advice, I prayed, something I haven't done in a wile because I was and still am mad at the big man because of what has happened in the last 3 months... I feel as my life just keeps going down the drain and this drain won't end or at least see some light at the end... Its just getting deeper and more dark and I cant get out because IM still falling.... Some times I think maybe if I moved away somewhere else or my karma or its just my luck... I mean I do want to be positive and honestly be happy but I just feel its like this one moment something small or average happends and IM happy then something twice or more happends to be worse than the positive.... Its an observation I've noticed with in the last 3 or so months.... I mean I could write a list or even balance checkers of the bad.... For example, red checker for good and black for bad.... My average would be one king and a few regulars in red and black would have 2 or 3 kings and 3 regulars so I don't get it.... Why her, why did she have to pass on so young... I mean 22 years old, and half spent in the hospital, why could of not it had been some sudent event or at least something with a reason.... Death must have at least closure or something to it, I don't get it.... I wish I could have a convo with her for at least 10 mins, I would give 10 years off of my life to do that.... I knew her for 7 or 8 years, hospital buddy's we met and then we grew on each other.... God why is it always heavy-hearted or hurtful news you bring to us? When will be have something from you besides the gift of life that is joyful or vivacious??
To genine: Genine I love you with all my heart and I always did and will do... I thank you for the greatest gift of having to met you and your family, your mom misses you and every one else who you got to meet... I would give 10 years but you would probably not let me because you would be mad at me... You will always have a place in my heart... I can never forget you and I sure cant go in the hospital or eat a cracker with out thinking of you... Miami children's will always be our place and room 361 will always be our first "dinner" date with the fake flowers which I still have... I hope God and his angles take care of you as good as I tryed to... I love you........
To genine: Genine I love you with all my heart and I always did and will do... I thank you for the greatest gift of having to met you and your family, your mom misses you and every one else who you got to meet... I would give 10 years but you would probably not let me because you would be mad at me... You will always have a place in my heart... I can never forget you and I sure cant go in the hospital or eat a cracker with out thinking of you... Miami children's will always be our place and room 361 will always be our first "dinner" date with the fake flowers which I still have... I hope God and his angles take care of you as good as I tryed to... I love you........
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
4am Thoughts... No sleep...Once more... (Girls) >_<
Well another night IM up at 4 am and I can't sleep because their is something on my mind and some one... Well two things... First you never know what can happen to a person even when you don't speak to them... Some times you get news about them that you didn't even know and shocking things occur so w/e... All I can say is, I had a right but also I should of not been too much of an asshole, but also when am I an asshole... I actually think I am way, way, way too nice sometimes... Second Maybe girls like assholes or guys that ignore them or something to that degree... I don't know anymore.... Its like I go up and try to get in the game or at least attempt to do good in it but I always strike out or something is against me... I can't figure out where I go wrong or something... I wish some one would tell me or something... Then the other time's its like they like me but I just don't click with them or I just don't feel it... You know its all about feelings I guess you could say but I think to my self a lot... Where did I go wrong... Or what did I do... Do I stink or something (j/K), I mean I always have my doubts about everything... But w/e... I was reading this grate book I guess to get my confidence back or something, its just like I feel like saying " Ok I give up... What do you want from me..) putting my hand up in the air and screaming I surrender or w/e... I guess IM just frustrated because I see my best friend with his girl and then my other best friend... Well he is a different story but at least he is getting something... Me, Nada, Zilch, Nothing, Do not pass Go, Do not collect Shit... I mean I meet a lot of hot girls, but I don't get it... Is it my game, or my rap that I give to them or something... I don't know any of you have idea's... I would like feed back on this one please... Lots of it actually.... Maybe some one can ease my mind..
lilman x >_<
lilman x >_<
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