Sunday, August 20, 2006

Middle Of The Day ANT HILL BURN!!!

Just a thought I was thinking I should share... Because it seems every time I am looking for something I cant find it... I feel as if god is looking down at me with a magnifying lens and using the sun to burn off my feelers and then eyes and then leg by leg... Slowly driving me crazy... H first starts by putting water over my sent trail so I cant find my way back to that ant hill and then just mash me with a finger so half my legs are broken and IM stumbling around all screwed up... Then he burns my feelers off so I cant feel the ground and just slowly craw around... Then burn off a back leg, then one by one burn the rest off and then my torso until just my head is left until I die... HHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! FUCKING PISSED OFF ....


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