Monday, September 18, 2006

Sick, Pissed Off, Disappointed and Awake!

Its 1:30 AM and I am awake and Pissed off and Sick... I am sick with a stupid cold because I got this thanks to a girl I shall call Jane... Thanks to Jane I am sick with a nasty cold and I haven't felt like this in a long time... On top of all that I have had a shitty weekend because after Thursdays nice awesome outing, I haven't done shit... I thought maybe Sat we were all going to hang out and maybe do something and party and I was going to get a chance to get out of the house... Well no Turns out Since Jan didn't know what the hell she was doing her friend and her didn't plan anything so we ended up doing nothing but I don't care because at the end of the night I would of been so sick anyways I would of probably done nothing... Sat all day I stayed home until about 5 or 6 pm and I went to Luis's job to apply as front desk and see if I might get the job there... That would be awesome because then at least I have a steady income and stuff but even then I was forced to leave because I felt so shitty that I could not take it and I had to go home... Today I did nothing... I wanted to clean my room and do some stuff but I had to almost sleep half the day and stay in bed because I had a fever of 102 and I was all stuffed up... So Jane at 12 something or 11 something called me to tell me to get some of her stuff that I have and put it outside the door and to look for it... After she gave me this fucking cold and I feel like shit she calls me super late to tell me that stupid insignificant shit... Fuck that she is out of her fucking insane mind... I feel like shit ok... I know you are reading this and I am now awake thanks to your stupidity of your narcissistic boyfriend and you trying to fucking prove a point to his stupid ass... WTF are you thinking... I now am awake pissed off because I have to wait 1 hr or more for the nyquil and other 2 things I took to kick in and put me to sleep... Other words I will be awake all night long and tomorrow I cant do the things I need to do... Fuck, have some consider ation and don't give a fuck what that jack-asses opinion is... Fucking think for your self and get a hold of what you give a damm about... I had 10 missed calls today and I know almost all of them are from people wanting something from me... I only picked up 4 out of 14 calls total I had today... shit... You know why I have it how I have it... Because I don't give a fuck about anyone's opinion and persuasion on me... That's why I get so far... If you don't care they can't harm your feelings and thoughts... People need to learn that... So fuck the bullshit IM going to bed or at least try to... So thanks For waking me up Jane...


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