Morning Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg, Cuban bread and coffee made just the way you like it..
Price: Mother yelling at you for getting up too early...
Fast Run: Going to the bank only to find out they are closed today and then get stuck in a traffic jam because some asshole decided to hit another car..
Price: Some Gas, aggravation and Time Wasted...
Washing Car: Vacuum rugs take out all the stuff inside the car, wash rugs and spend time to wash and wax your car and make it smell good so you'll look pimping at night to impress some one..
Price: 3 Hrs, a sunburn and some water...
Spending on yourself: 2 new tires, balancing, alignment, Put on your car so you have 4 nice looking rims on your car..
Price $180 something..
Time spent Driving around Miami and thinking to yourself wile your bestfriend rides with you
Price: Half a tank of gas and 5 billion Brain Cells killed..
To come home after trying to have a good day and failing miserably..
Priceless .... For every crappy Day Theirs Sleep... LILMAN X >_<
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