Saturday, February 04, 2006

Always some bullshit... High School kid bullshit

Well yesterday my entire evening was ruined by one of my friends or actually several events that happened that I, because I have a good heart canceled my plans and went to the rescue... Some bullshit... I always end up on the damm loosing side because I always am the one to solve everyone's problem because in my opinion I am the only damm person on this earth who thinks and is very rational and think things out and solve problems. I rarely flip out, or act childish or even just give problems to anyone. I see it like this, talk things out and think about them because we are humans and not animals and we aren't wild running like wolves or we can be like the wild animals and act stupid and childish... I hate people that act childish and yesterday was a day for that bullshit childish drama because Cretan people IM not going to mention names cannot think and just burst the first instinctive emotions and do stupid childish mistakes that maybe a little 9nth grader makes because they don't know any better... My thoughts to them is grow up and act your fucking age... Other wise please disassociate your self with me because I am 23 mature and I am very calm and none childish person... Everyone has there moments to act childish but when you are in college and you have responsibilities and are over the age of 18 I think you should at least relies you are not a little kid and should just talk and use that thing that's inbetween your ears and inside your skull... Hey it might actually work if you used it and didn't use the primitive part of your mind... Another subject is a hypocrite, I hate people that do that and act in that way... It pisses me off the most when you say something and you do that thing that you say you wont or will do, why in the hell do you go back on your word... WTF I don't get that, if I say something I stick to it... Every single person that knows me and that has known me knows I hate people that are hypocrite. I cant stand them and I despise them with all my hate. I think you should have a punishment for people that are hypocrites. The one person who pissed me off the most yesterday ( not going to say a name ) but they know who they are, needs to first look at them selfish and see the flaws, if they don't see any please come and ask me, I have no shame and I will tell you, second if you do not straighten out your self off of this one chance I give you then I will no longer help you because I give once chance to come correct as a friend of mine used to say and that's it. After that one chance screw up once more and the privileges and other stuff will be cut off. Yesterday my plans were ruined and all for a stupid childish occurrence that could of been solved by simply breathing and saying ok lets talk this out like mature adults, not flipping out... I say act your age or don't hang with me because I try to make sure my group of friends are diverse and mature and IM very selective of who I introduce you to and if I conceder you my friend or not. People need to relies in life, your born, you go to school for 12 years then you maturely grow mentally and then hussle of life begins and its work hard, live life a little and have some fun but mostly its made up of responsibilities that increases day by day...


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