Saturday, January 08, 2005

2005... Starts off with a bang a kick in the ass and other stupidity

Well from the Newyear's to now 2005 has been... Well shit and more shit sort-of. So my year started off like this... On new yr's eve a Cretan person decided to be stupid and ruin everything for everyone not because it was his fault but because he wanted to live in his little world so the consequences are that they pissed me off and that means they are on my probation for a month minimum if not more... All I wanted to do was to play halo2 and relax with a cup or red wine that I was enjoying a nice quiet everything, but since I have to be everyone's savior on this fucking hell of earth I have to intervene and destroy my happy evening because some one was a stupid mother-fucking selfish asshole dickless moron idiot fool who would of just admitted and said ok and I accept your apology and I was wrong too. SO YOU FUCKED EVERYTHING UP FOR EVERY ONE! So after I enjoyed that taste of acid going down my inside and eating everything up, yet another problem occurred but it was not too bad because I actually enjoy helping this person because I like her even though by helping her I am not helping myself to ever be anything than a friend to her but if she's happy I am happy for her and I don't mind being just a friend. Other problems that have happened are minor but still annoying especially this one problem with a friend of mine... Well it started off with just giving some one a ride to a place, ok fine no problem, I always love to help out people by giving them a ride because I know how it was to never have a car and not be able to get a ride... So there was a little more to then just giving two people a ride to a place there were four ok no problem... Well I always stay for a bit with the people that I give a ride to just to make sure there ok and they don't need to relocate to another place. Well so then things got complicated and I had to take them and 2 other people to another location fine. Well little did I know (BTW the other two were little girls, very young 3 and 4 I think) So as I am driving to this location they are in the back tareing up my back seat; messing with my pink bunny (Mr. Bunny-buttons) my pimp mobile light that I had connected and riged until they ripped it out of the seat and the lilmanx thing that joy made me... Oh and also some sand were in there shoes. Well fine upset a little bit but w/e just more work for me when I get home to but all that back in order, but what made me very mad was this person I was doing her a favor got really bitchy at me and I mean rude and all that I was like. WOW hold your self for a second, I did all this and put up with all this shit for you to tell me off... What kind of a mature person are you or say that you are if you are tossing a fit like a little girl... WTF... Anyways that was one event that I still cant figure out and she wont tell me anything about... W/e SE la ve... Now to talk about how much I feel like kicking my self in the ass for not going with my feelings. I spoke about liking a girl that I met yet agen at club hell but she was nice and I wanted or would of like to date and ask her out... Well now she has a man and its kind of late at this point so I was like wtf do I have to lose but to confess to her how I felt and still sorta feel.. So I did but what kills me is that I actually had a chance to get with this girl. I am 98% sure I did too. I mean what the hell was I thinking when I was actually lisening to that dumass who told me I had no chance with her... I know I have low selfesteam and just one person out of five telling me to ask her made me change my mind and so I didn't, but what a fool I am... Shit this sucks I had a chance and I blew it... Why did I ever actually pay attention to that fucking idiot ... He couldn't even get one for himself. I guess I just made a mistake and I will be kicking myself in the ass for that...


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