Friday, May 13, 2005

What a long Week...

Well its been about a week since i have last wrote, and it sure has been hecktic... Work has been harsh... i sure havent been feeling 100% or even like 90% but everyone that knows me i always look 100% even when i feel like 40% power of what i should be... Well today was crazy and last night was awsome too... i was chilling with my new homie Dio and we decited to go to Fat-tuesdays, bar/clubish chill place, and it was good i met 2 girls one from Germany and the other from Oman, somewhere way the hell out in the middle east accourding to her, go figure, last time i was at a club or someplace like it i met this girl that lives exactly on the other side of the world... wonder who it is...? >_< how i would love to hang out with this girl and get to know her but they all seem to just live on oppiset sides of the world... just my luck... lets see a small list of girls that i have met that don't live im miami; 1 Girl from tennessee, 2 Girl from panama, 3. girl from colombia, 4. girl from peru, 5. girl from lebanon, now add german girl and the other one from way out there and lets not forget the semi-crazy girl i knew from canada( who i dont speak to) so yeah... not one from miami or at least the same state... Good greef well screw it, i guess other cultures like this El cubano... Tonight i am going out agen even if i do or dont feel good so who knows what a crazy night this will be... hey maybe i will go way east and maybe japan or china? i doubt it but hey who knows... well Eat, Iorn cloths, shower, shave, and get dressed all pimped out to go out tonight...


Roxy, hope to see you soon sorry i havent been online its been

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello there, yeah i agree: it sure has been a long week. dang, i haven't had a full 5-day school week since like feb. the 14th. (b/c of holidays and the bombs.) so the past 5 days of school seemed like a month., i haven't spoken to you in a looong time. but looks like you're doin good. and talk bout pimp, hmmm...let's see...3 girls in colombia, 2 from panama, 4 from peru, 5 from lebanon...etc. etc. etc. lol. yeah, well i wuz planning on going to the beach today with sum ppl, but i'm cramed w/homework and essays since it's almost the end of the year. yay! a month and ten 10 days from today i'll be on summer vacation! damn, i better start getting in shape! lol.