Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thoughts that run...

I know i haven't updated my blog in a long time but a lot has been going on i haven't been able to write about due to lack of being on my computer... So i have a issue right now in my life... A real big issue... I don't know how to explain it but i will do my best... I like this girl, no actually i love this girl... Yes love i know i don't use that phrase often but i do with her... She is almost perfect only because no one in the world is perfect even though we think we are... She excepts me for me, I have a lot of problems medically and personally and other things that i just don't think any other girl would ever have... But she excepts them for what they are and they don't even bother her at all... The only one problem i know she has is the fact i am shorter than her but its not my fault because of obvious reasons... Ive know her now for a wile and its not a long wile but it is some time... even if its been short or a long time that i have known her i do love her and i cant say that enough... she's met my family and they like her, she also likes them and she gets along with them too which is a big part of my decision if i love her or not... only one problem in this mess... She sort of has a guy but not at the same time... he treats her real bad in my opinion, maybe i am being bias about it but from what i have seen i think so... either way i don't think it will last with him but w/e its not my issue... All i want is for her to be happy if its with me or him... If she is torn between the two of us i rather her go with him because that would make her happy even if it will end eventually as i think it might... Ive just been spending a lot of time with her and i don't know how i could of won her over like i have but i didn't want to be a problem for her... I just wish some times nothing would of happened the way it did but i cant do anything about it now... I gave her my opinion today about what she should do and w/e if she chooses him over me and she is happy then i don't mind it... I guess i can stay put and wait, either way there is no one for me at the moment besides her and i also would honestly wait some time for her... She means a lot to me and i wish i could decide for her and just make him go away but i cant... I guess all i can do is pray, hope, think and do nothing but observe of what is going on and what will happen... A lot more is on my mind but i just cant write about it at the moment and eventually all will be known...


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