Friday, September 09, 2005

Sleep is but a word on my crazy days...

So I just got home like all of 5 mins ago... I was out chilling with Fred and marcina all night long... dammm, what was I thinking... I have school at 9 am but I get up like at 6 or 7 to study before class so... Yeah IM crazy, I think I have a test too but w/e I don't know how I do it but I sure do... I say party like rock stars... Wow what a party it was awesome, first we were at some Pub(English bar) which was by the way grate because it was a chill spot... Calm not to many people so we just chilled at a booth, oh yeah I behaved my self and didn't drink anything alcoholic... I had a plain diet coke because some one might kill me otherwise... After that we went to Mr moe's to chill some more... I didn't drink also, tempted so much but no just another diet coke so like after 2 more I was wired and I had to dance so I took marcina out to dance cuz shies my dancing girl LOL and I was doing my thing and I had like an audience looking at me so I gave a little show and I just bounced to this one guy who was looking and stuff and I was like oh go dance with her, her name is marcina, so I hooked her up and just slipped on out of the dance floor to sit for a bit, actually the rest of the night... I just was enjoying the music and people, chilling with Fred... So that's about it... Lets see I woke up at 6am its now almost 4 so yeah I think I will get 2 hrs of sleep... Maybe and then 2marrow... Who knows...


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