Friday, September 09, 2005

Two-thousand eight hundred and eighty minutes later... >_<

Well its today and I still haven't slept at all... I don't know how I have done this but w/e I did... Maybe it was all the caffeine in me or just the hype that kept me up all this time but I didn't sleep at all last night... After I wrote I was like well I could sleep for 2 hrs or so but I figured screw it... Why bother... So I just got something to eat and chilled in bed watching TV until I pretended to get up, So my parents wont be pissed that I didn't sleep at all, took a shower and got my stuff for school together and bounced... I got to school early today... So I did my bit of studying done, so that's out of the way until Sunday I still have a paper to write and some worksheet on converting Hex into binary and bla bla bla... So tonight I wanted to go out so bad... But no one wanted to go out... What losers... I wish I would of gone out anywhere... I hate staying home, especially when I haven't slept and IM delirious and hyper... That's the best time to do stuff because its like your floating and don't feel a thing, until the next day... Besides that it was a calm day, took care of a few things here and there... So w/e I think that's about it... Since I am home its like 10:30 I think IM just going to go to bed or chill there for a bit until my body says.. Sleep and I crash and fall asleep with out notice... This happends when you don't sleep for Two-thousand eight hundred and eighty minutes ( Figure it out)... Plans for the weekend... Don't know up in the Air I guess ... Well IM taking my butt to the shower and bed... But not before I put away the bat-mobile in the bat-cave...

LILMAN X (delirious) >_<

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